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Written evidence: Diversity and inclusion in STEM - Dr Survjit Cheeta, Prof Justin Fisher & Prof Rebecca Lingwood


As a university with significant activity in STEM areas (67% of academic staff are employed in STEM), our responses are principally focussed on our own experience at 香港六合彩搅珠直播, rather than on the whole HE sector. However, given our significant presence in STEM, our responses will have relevance beyond the University. Learn more in a written evidence submitted by Dr Survjit Cheeta, Prof Justin Fisher & Prof Rebecca Lingwood.

Executive Summary

  • Diversity delivers quality. It is therefore essential to promote and deliver diversity in STEM (and Non-STEM) areas.
  • Significant advances have been made in boosting diversity in STEM as it relates to gender.
  • These advances have been reflected both nationally and in our own institution.
  • Fewer targeted initiatives are in evidence in relation to other underrepresented groups with general recognition that more needs to be done to address other protected characteristics and the impact of socio-economic background.
  • Greater diversity is more likely to be achieved by a more inclusive approach for which the administrative burden is not excessively bureaucratic.