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Written evidence: Reimagining where we live - Professor Monica Degen


This written evidence, titled "Reimagining where we live: cultural placemaking and the levelling up agenda", submitted by Professor Monica Degen outlines recommendations to the following area: How can culture reanimate our public spaces and shopping streets? Culture encompasses a wide range of aspects of urban life and environment from vernacular architecture, graffiti or buskers to the availability of benches to sit and observe life passing by, or access to a local library. Culture does not need to be ‘imported’ but is already existent in places, yet may need to be highlighted or emphasized more.

This response suggests framing the animation of streets and public spaces around a conscious evaluation and development of experiences which is based on collaborative local research, design and event planning to identify local cultural assets. An emphasis on sensory experiences leads to stronger place attachments, a more wide and diverse range of uses and improvements in the quality of life and well-being.

Based on Prof Monica Degen's 20 years of research of urban redevelopments in Barcelona, Manchester, Qatar, Milton Keynes, Bedford and London makes the following recommendations:

  • The development of collaborative sensory design approaches between planners, event managers, locals, and visitors to highlight and develop cultural engagements with specific localities.
  • Diversify the temporal cycles of use of a locality to incorporate a broader variety of uses and cultural engagements.
  • Provide opportunities for meaningful points of contact for a diversity of users of public spaces to create a cultural atmosphere.
  • Address and encourage a diversity of cultural experiences in a specific locality.

Read the full written evidence here 

Reported by:

Alexandra Gallbraith