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Investigating digital poverty in Margate


This interdisciplinary project looks at the complex ways that digital poverty manifests in a specific location, using the English seaside town of Margate as a case study. Digital poverty is not a simple problem and doesn't necessarily apply to those who lack financial capital. In an increasingly online world, being digitally disadvantaged can mean severe hardship and disadvantage. Thus, there is a strong need to better understand how, where, and why digital poverty occurs.

We conducted fieldwork in Margate, focusing on two specific groups: Digital Creatives (many of whom had moved from London) and members of the Roma community. We deployed a mixed-methods approach including situated observational fieldwork and semi-structured interviews. The history of Margate as a liminal space was theorised alongside themes of gentrification, rejuvenation, and resilience.

We examined and analysed examples of digital poverty (DP) and exclusion as well as the optimistic resilience shown by those we engaged with within Margate. We revealed a complex and nuanced landscape that excludes both Roma and economically constrained Creatives from being able to access the necessary digital resources to make a more secure future for themselves, their families, and Margate itself.DP has no easy definition. It is caused by intersecting factors including, but not limited to, money.

We found that patchy, intermittent or unreliable broadband was, in Margate, the major cause of DP, closely followed by lack of skills and knowledge. It affected lives in terms of relationships, education, earning capacity, developing skills, and even the ability to shop. Stress resulting from bad connections added to lack of wellbeing, feelings of social and familial disconnection, and of course, the ability to engage with work.

This research will add to knowledge and will change thinking around digital disadvantage. Importantly, it points out that digital poverty does not necessarily correlate to financial hardship. The findings will be used by the British Academy to formulate its policy and future direction in advising around digital poverty. Stakeholders in Margate will be able to access the findings and implement change accordingly, in order to provide better services for residents.

Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Dr Rachel Stuart
Dr Rachel Stuart - I am a critical criminologist who specialises in the research of marginalised communities. My PhD thesis examined the experiences of adult content webcam performers as they negotiated the corporate-owned hosting sites from which they broadcast. Whilst researching for my PhD I was also employed by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) on an NHIR-funded project that examined the impact of policing on the health of sex workers in East London. During the COVID-19 lockdown, I was employed as a PI on a research project funded by the Doctors of The World that examined the health needs of street-level sex workers in Newham. Our findings recently influenced a change of policy that includes a health-informed approach towards street-level sex work in the borough As someone of Gypsy/Traveller heritage, I have recently been involved in research that looked at the uptake of COVID prevention measures among members of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. The research funded by the DHSC, a collaboration with colleagues at LSHTM, revealed increased marginalisation and high levels of systemic violence against community members during the COVID period. At the same time, I worked with colleagues at 香港六合彩搅珠直播 to investigate the impact of digital exclusion in the context of Margate; the research focussed on the impacts of a lack of connectivity on Roma and the arts community in the town.  I am part of the growing criminology department and have helped develop the curriculum for the newly launched Criminology BSC. Along with my colleagues, we have sought to develop a degree that reflects the needs of the diverse cohort that our cutting-edge programme has attracted. I am the module convenor of Crime Media and Society, Intersectional Criminology and the forthcoming Capitalism and Sex module.

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Project last modified 28/11/2023