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Social Work Seminar Series: A Rather Unconventional Journey Round Children's Services

During this presentation Jill Thorburn will talk about why she is driven to make sure children can have their voices heard in our services. Following over twenty-five years in frontline social work management she will explain how and why she wandered into a tech world where she is one of two female co-founders of Mind Of My Own, a tech for good company that makes world leading apps for children and young people.

co-founded after spending in excess of 25 years in social work senior management in local authorities, private and voluntary providers. Jill has worked in management positions in every area of children’s social care. Always passionate about children being able to fully participate in their lives Jill’s work was featured in a number of Government papers on innovation and partnership development in children’s services including Every Child Matters. Her services have received numerous awards including Buttle Trust and Children and Young People Now. In addition to her current role Jill is a subject matter expert across all of eLearning social care and health content. Acting as a project manager within a number of local authorities has seen Jill carry the responsibility for designing, managing, quality assuring and implementing changes in practice for government pilots. Jill has worked at a senior level within both local authorities and voluntary sector organisations and prides herself on delivering the highest-quality services.

Mind Of My Own apps are designed and conscientiously co-produced with young people for young people. We embrace the fact that children and young people are experts by experience and harness their energy every step of the way through our co-production approach to development.

We believe that every child is able to have a say and we build apps to make sure they all have a chance to have their voices heard.

No need to book your place, just turn up!

Dr. Yohai Hakak
Senior Lecturer In Social Work
T +44 (0) 1895 265844 | E