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An intuitive chain tensioning tool for fixed gear bicycles. 

The current climate crisis and increased cost of living has driven a high demand for cost-effective, sustainable travel and the UK has seen a surge in cycling.

The process of tensioning a single-speed bicycle’s chain is integral to the safety, efficiency, and longevity of the bicycle, however requires multiple fiddly adjustments and requires the user to touch the chain multiple times, dirtying their hands and clothes. After all the frustration, the user is left uncertain that they have done it properly.

ProTension is a tool that makes the frustrating process of tensioning a single speed bicycle’s chain effortless. The tool simply clips onto the chain and indicates its tension with intuitive red, orange, and green LEDs allowing the user to ensure their bicycle’s safety with one swift adjustment.

ProTension is the first step in a much-needed movement to make at-home cycle maintenance more accessible, promoting sustainable travel and reducing accidents caused by mechanical faults.

Project Gallery

Wooden block tool front profile Wooden block tool side profile Back wheel of bike with wooden block tool attached