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Image Size/Dimensions - Greatly improve your page speed

Image Size/Dimensions - Greatly improve your page speed

Choosing the best images for your website is not just about sourcing ones that look good. We also need to think about how they will fit with your design. This means thinking about your image size.

Firstly, images always fall into one of two categories: portrait and landscape – this is known as the orientation.

Portrait images will be taller than they are wide, landscape images will be wider than they are tall.

Once you’ve decided on the orientation of your image, it’s time to think about its size. Image size will determine how big or small the image is on a page.

Recommended sizes:

  • Web - Large block (700 x 700)
  • Web - Medium block (450 x 450)
  • Web - Small block (350 x 350)
  • Web - News main image (940 x 635)
  • Banners (1920 x 830)
  • Thumbnails (618 x 384)
  • Web - YouTube Block (700 x 330)
  • Web - News thumbnail image (618 x 384)

Optimising images speeds up your website. Images from the digital asset library can be optimised further using sites such as  to compress your images.

If you have received a 10mb image? please reduce the image size and compress your image using sites like

This site analyses whether the images loaded on a page are optimally delivered and optimised when it comes to . You can reduce the image file size with the above tools.