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Meet the Team


To create a list of team members on a page, we will use the 'Team Quick List' component. This allows you to add details for several members of staff to a page with the following details for each one:

  • Staff photo (223px wide by 308px height, uploaded prior to using the component)
  • Name
  • Profile URL (a more detailed web page if available)
  • Email address (to be used if the above is unavailable)
  • Area of Expertise (a text field that can be used for a comma-separated list of words, or free text)

As well as allowing multiple members of staff, you can remove or reorder the records from the same component.

Example of the component:

small profile

Adding the Component:

  1. Edit the page in which you would like to use the component. In this example, we'll use a page called 'home' under a folder called 'team'.


NB there is an image folder into which several staff photos of the correct size have already been uploaded.

  1. Place the cursor in the page where you would like the component to appear. In this example, two paragraphs of lorum-ipsum have been added and the component will be added to a new line between them.

Right-click and choose 'Insert Webcontrol', 'Custom' and then 'Team Quick List'


  1. A pop-up window should appear with the fields for one member of staff. In the 'Staff photo' section, click on the browse icon:


Another pop-up window will appear where you can navigate to, and select the correct image by ticking the corresponding box and then clicking 'Save':


  1. Now fill in the rest of the details. If you do not have a web-address to link to in the 'Profile URL' field then please use the 'Email address' field instead:

    add more

Once you have finished adding the details for one member of staff, you can click on the '+ Add Item' button and a new section will appear below to add another:

web control

You can also reorder the items by using the up and down arrows for each entry.

  1. Once you have added all the staff members, click 'Save' and you will be returned to the editing window:


    You'll notice that there is now a 'Team Quick List' lozenge in-between the two paragraphs.
  2. Save the page and then preview it. You should see something similar to the following:

  3. If you need to update, reorder, or remove any of the information in this component, left-click on it to select it, and then right-click on it and choose 'Webcontrol properties':

    edit web control

    This will bring up the previous window with all the information in it to be changed as necessary.
  4. Don't forget to submit and approve your variations;2019-01-10_12-49-00