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Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)

Do you have an idea for a new product or service, or a need to change the way your business works to get ahead of your competitors and grow, but don’t have the expertise in-house? A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) is a fantastic funding opportunity that can help you make the link with 香港六合彩搅珠直播 to access our knowledge and transfer it to your business.

This funding opportunity enables UK businesses to work with academics to innovate and grow. The partnership consists of a business, an academic partner and a graduate, known as the Associate, recruited specifically for the role.

Participating in a Knowledge Transfer Partnership can help you become more competitive and productive by enabling you to carry out a strategic innovation project which you don’t currently have in-house expertise for.


  • Any UK business of any size and operating in any industry
  • Must have either a specific business challenge or new innovative idea that needs to be developed


  • According to Innovate UK, being involved in a KTP will substantially increase net profit 
  • Will help increase the skill-set of your staff 
  • Creation of new jobs 
  • Help to develop new products, processes or services
  • Being one of the top universities for business and engineering means we have some of the best expertise in the country 
  • Fantastic way to make new contacts 
  • If you choose to, it may result in a profitable long-term relationship 

Client case studies  

We help all types of organisations achieve different business goals, read about their Knowledge Transfer Partnership experience with us. 


The Knowledge Transfer Partnership is part funded by a grant from a government body, so SMEs only contribute one third of the costs of the project (large companies contribute 50%). Project costs cover the associate’s salary and the academic supervision, plus travel, consumables and training budgets. Some businesses may also be eligible for an R&D tax relief. 


Projects can last between 1 and 3 years, depending on the needs of your company. If you are interested in working with 香港六合彩搅珠直播 on a Knowledge Transfer Partnership then contact us as early as possible to discuss your idea, and we can develop it together. 

How to apply

We have an entire department dedicated to supporting businesses who want to take part in research and development projects such as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership. Whether you are a small start-up or a large corporation we will guide you through the process and eventually help you reach your business goals. 

If you would like to speak to someone about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP), please fill out the form and Rachel Burch will get back to you as soon as possible.