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Dr Manu Savani
Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Public Policy

Marie Jahoda 215

  • Politics
  • Politics and History
  • Social and Political Sciences

Research area(s)

Behavioural public policy

Field and survey experiments, and mixed methods RCTs

Welfare policy and politics

Research Interests

Behavioural public policy

I am interested in investigating how behavioural economics can support positive policy outcomes. 

My work has explored nudges for health behaviour change on obesity (read about my and ). I am currently investigating how nudges might affect , funded by a British Academy Grant on Covid-19 recovery. Our report is published .

I reviewed what we know about the public's preferences for nudges compared to harder policy instruments. Does the Covid-19 pandemic prompt a rethink of the conventional wisdom that people prefer softer, freedom-preserving policy measures over harder, restrictive measures? Read about  here. 

My PhD thesis applied Thaler and Shefrin’s (1981) Planner-Doer dual-self model to health behaviours. I designed and implemented two mixed methods field experiments that evaluated the impact of commitment devices on health behavior around obesity, working in partnership with Camden Council and the private sector. The research tested new ways to measure concepts such as sophistication and myopia, critically assessed the planner-doer model using quantitative and qualitative data, and raised new policy recommendations for how commitment strategies can be designed into public health programmes. My thesis was awarded the 'Best Dissertation' prize by UCL Dept of Political Science.

Experiments in political science

I use survey experiments to better understand voters attitudes. I am investigating (with Dr Sofia Collignon at Royal Holloway University). Our study of US voters offers important insights into the role of personal values in voters' decisions (). 

I am also looking at what factors make British voters more or less likely to consider , remote online voting, in elections (with Prof Justin Fisher, ).

Welfare policy

I am interested in how behavioural public policy might apply to welfare reforms, with a focus on financial capability and decision making. I am interested in how the design of the flagship welfare programme Universal Credit interacts with the realities of budgeting and financial decisions in low-income contexts.

Research grants and projects

Project details

British Academy Grant (2021-22) "COVID-19 Recovery: Building Future Pandemic Preparedness and Understanding Citizen Engagement in the USA and UK", co-Investigator

British Council (2021-22) "Sustainable School Meals UK-Brazil Research Workshop", co-Investigator

香港六合彩搅珠直播 Research Development Fund (2020, 2021), Principal Investigator and co-Principal Investigator

Research links

Kingston Lane
Middlesex UB8 3PH

Tel: +44 (0)1895 274000

Fax: +44 (0)1895 232806

Security: +44 (0)1895 255786

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