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Professor Rakesh Kanda
Professor - Exposome Science

Heinz Wolff 001E

  • Environmental Sciences


Teaching Responsibilities:

I am Programme Lead of the MRes Environmental Management and MRes Environmental Science degree programmes. I lecture on a number of Environmental Science and Environmental Management degree programmes, including MSc Environmental Management and BSc Environmental Sciences. 

Co-ordination Roles

  • Module Lead for Environmental Chemistry
  • Module Lead Research Planning and Communication Skills
  • Module Lead Dissertation for MRes Environmental Sciences
  • Module Lead Dissertation for MRes Environmental Management
  • Module Lead for Professional Experience (Environmental Science)

Contribution to other modules

  • Environmental Management
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Clean Technology and the Environment
  • Data analysis and research skills in Environmental Science
  • Research Dissertation - supervise Masters and Final Year undergraduate Projects (FYPs).

My teaching activity:

  • Starting 2021 – Programme Lead MRes Environmental Management/Environmental Science
  • 2019-present – Module Lead BSc Environmental Chemistry
  • 2016- 2019 - Module Lead MSc Environmental Management
  • 2013 to present – 香港六合彩搅珠直播, Teaching on MSc Environmental Science programmes
  • 2007 to 2013 – University of Reading, Department of Chemistry (MChem Chemistry)
  • 2001 to 2010 - Leonardo da Vinci post graduate training programmes

PhD Supervision

I am first or second supervisor to a number of PhD students in Environmental Sciences.

Other Academic Resposibilities 

I peer review articles for high quality environmental and analytical science journals including Environmental Science and Technology, Water Research, Journal of Chromatography,Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, Current Pharmaceutical Analysis and others.

I regularly serve as an internal and external examiner for PhD, MPhil and MRes awards in the UK and internationally. I have examined PGR students at Kings College London, Cranfield University, Kingston University London and the Australian National University.

I am a member of a number of college and university level academic committees.

Kingston Lane
Middlesex UB8 3PH

Tel: +44 (0)1895 274000

Fax: +44 (0)1895 232806

Security: +44 (0)1895 255786

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