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Professor Susan Easton
Emeritus Professor

Elliott Jaques 005

Membership and affiliation

Barrister, Inner Temple

Member of Society of Legal Scholars, Socio-Legal Studies Association and the Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare

Member of the UK Network on the Prohibition of Torture

Editorship and related activities

Founding Editor, International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, Sage Journals.

Reviewer of papers for journals including the Journal of African Law, Criminology and Public Policy, European Journal of Criminology, Feminist Legal Studies, Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, International Journal of Discrimination and the Law,  Journal of Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry, Legal Studies, Journal of Law and Society, Punishment and Society and Res Publica.

Reviewer of book proposals for publishers including Sweet and Maxwell, Palgrave/Macmillan, Routledge, Policy Press and Oxford University Press.

Broadcast and digital media

Podcast, ‘ The Politics of the Prison and the Prisoner’,  March 2020,

Interview by John Kelly, Washington Post 11 October 2016

 ‘Protecting prisoners’ rights: the case of Anders Breivik’, OUP Blog with C Piper, May 30th 2016,

 ‘Sentencing Terrorists: Key Principles’, OUP Blog, with C Piper, March 23rd 2015,

 Interview BBC radio on the implications of Supreme Court’s decision in the cases of Chester and McGeoch, October 16, 2013.

 Interview LBC radio on transgender prisoners (April 2013).

 Completion of an online resource centre for Oxford University Press to accompany the book on Sentencing (with C. Piper). This is updated to discuss new cases, statutes and policies, 2005-19.

 ‘Making prisoners work - from hulks to helping victims: a comment on the cover of Sentencing and Punishment’ OUP Blog August 6th 2012 with C. Piper, 1013 words,

 ‘The rise and rise of fixed penalty notices’, OUP Online Newsletter in Criminology, July 2012, with C.Piper.

 Interviews - LBC Radio and Russian Radio on prisoners’ voting rights 24 October 2012

Panellist in debate on prisoners’ right to vote, LBC Radio, 27 May 2012.

Interviews Channel Four News online on prisoners’ voting rights 2012;

Opposition to prisoner voting rights’, Comment, Guardian online (10 February 2011).

Interview, The release of the Lockerbie Bomber, Christian Science Monitor 20 August 2009.

Responses to proposed legislation

Response to proposed legislation in Draft Bill Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Bill,

June 2013.

Response to Consultation Paper, Breaking the Cycle (March 2011) pp 1 – 3.

Response to the Second Consultation Paper, Voting Rights of Convicted Prisoners Detained in the UK, Ministry of Justice, (September 2009) pp 1-6.

Response to the Consultation Paper, Voting Rights of Convicted Prisoners Detained in the UK, Department for Constitutional Affairs (March 2007) pp 1-3.

Response to the Proposals in Making Sentencing Clearer, Home Office 2006, (January 2007) with C. Piper, pp 1-4.

Conference Papers and Presentations

Invited discussant UK Network on the Prohibition on Torture, workshop, November 2018, findings published in its report, March 2019.

 ‘Voting Rights for Prisoners: A Comparative Approach’ City University London Law School, Conference on Canadian and British Public Law in Comparative Perspective, September 2018.

 ‘Redefining the Prisoner at Citizen’ at the Howard League’s International Conference on Redesigning Justice: promoting civil rights, trust and equality, Oxford, March 2018.

 'Outsourcing Punishment’, 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Law School Research Seminar and Book Launch, June 2016 with C Piper.

 ‘Prisoners’ right to education’ Howard League International Conference on Justice and Penal Reform: Reshaping the Penal Landscape, Oxford, March 2016.

 ‘Prisoners’ rights: the politicisation of human rights’,   launch event for Britain in Europe research group,   Inner Temple, October 2015.

 Keynote speaker, ‘Prisoners’ right to education’ , Conference on Prison Education, Institute of Education, University College London, July 2015.

 Invited participant/discussion, Round Table on codification of sentencing law and procedure, the Law Commission, Ministry of Justice, London, July 2015.

 Invited participant in debate at King’s College London on Prisoners’ Voting Rights: the meaning and consequences of defying Strasbourg in Parliament. Co-panellists: Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, the former President of the Supreme Court and Dr. Michael Pinto-Duschinksy, member of the UK Commission on a British Bill of Rights, February 2014.

 Invited participant/discussant, Round Table informal meeting of Joint Parliamentary Committee reviewing the Draft Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Bill, Palace of Westminster, June 2013, a copy of one of my papers on voting rights was circulated to the Committee in advance and was the starting point for the Committee’s questions.

 Panellist, 香港六合彩搅珠直播 University Annual Learning and Teaching Symposium, on the impact of research on teaching, May 2013.

‘Fixed penalties and careless driving: not a simplematter’Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Sentencing stream, University of York, March 2013 with C Piper.

Discussant, Seminar on Democracy and Citizenship, University of Sheffield/Centre for Criminal Justice Studies. March 2013

‘Felon disenfranchisement and social death’ British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Portsmouth July 2012.

‘How effective is non-custodial sentencing in achieving compliance with road tariff law?’, 香港六合彩搅珠直播 University, Parliamentary Advisory Council on Road Safety and 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Criminal Justice Research Centre Conference, Achieving Compliance with Road Traffic Law, Uxbridge June 2012, with C. Piper.

‘Should prisoners be allowed to vote?’ Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Sentencing stream, Leicester, April 2012.

‘Should convicted prisoners have the right to vote?’, Cambridge University, St Catharine’s College, November 2011.

Participant/panellist, Workshop on the Research Process, University of Winchester, July 2011.

‘Prisoners and the Human Rights Act – 10 years on’, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Southampton, September 2010, nominated for the Best Paper Prize from the Criminal Justice Section.

‘Penal austerity and penal populism’ Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, UWE, Bristol, March 2010.

External examining duties

Queen Mary Law School, M. Phil, Leeds University Law School, Ph.D.,  LL. B, Sussex University Law School, London School of Economics.

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