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Dr Tamsin Runnalls
CircularMetal Project Manager



  • 2005: PhD Pharmaceuticals in the Environment. 香港六合彩搅珠直播.
  • 1998: MSc Applied Fish Biology, Plymouth University.
  • 1996: BSc (Hons) Fisheries Studies, Plymouth University.

1998–present           香港六合彩搅珠直播 University, London

  • Project Manager The LiME Hub, BCAST  香港六合彩搅珠直播 University, London. 2020-present.
  • Project Manager - INTCATCH (EU Horizon 2020) (part time, job share): 2016 - 2020. 
  • Post-doctoral Research Fellow (part time): 2011-2019 Intelligent Ecotoxicology – From single chemicals to mixtures (DEFRA)
  • Post-doctoral Research Fellow:  2008-2011 Intelligent Ecotoxicology – Progestogens as a test case. Investigating the effects of progestogens on fish (DEFRA)
  • Post-doctoral Research Fellow:  2004-2008  Detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals in the aquatic environment (EDEN) 
  • Research Assistant: 2003:  ACE: Analysing the combined effects of mixtures of estrogenic chemicals in marine and freshwater organisms (EC-Fw5)
  • Research Technician: 1998-2001 Development of a reproductive performance test (pair breeding assay) for endocrine disrupting chemicals, using the fathead minnow

Selected Publications

  • Runnalls, T. J., Beresford, N., Kugathas, S., Margiotta-Casaluci, L., Scholze, M., Scott, A. P., & Sumpter, J. P.(2015). From single chemicals to mixtures-Reproductive effects of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiolon the fathead minnow.. Aquatic Toxicology, 169, 152-167. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.10.009
  • Kugathas, S., Runnalls, T. J., & Sumpter, J. P. (2013). Metabolic and reproductive effects of relatively lowconcentrations of beclomethasone dipropionate, a synthetic glucocorticoid, on fathead minnows.Environmental Science and Technology, 47(16), 9487-9495. doi:10.1021/es4019332
  • Scott, A. P., Hill, T., Beresford, N., Runnalls, T. J., Sumpter, J. P., & Ellis, T. (2013). Out-of-season production of17,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one in the roach rutilus rutilus. Journal of Fish Biology, 83(2), 233-249.doi:10.1111/jfb.12150
  • Runnalls, T. J., Beresford, N., Losty, E., Scott, A. P., & Sumpter, J. P. (2013). Several synthetic progestins withdifferent potencies adversely affect reproduction of fish. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(4),2077-2084. doi:10.1021/es3048834
  • Kugathas, S., Runnalls, T., & Sumpter, J. (2012). Synthetic progestins and glucocorticoids affect fishreproduction and physiology. In 48th Congress of the European-Societies-of-Toxicology (EUROTOX).Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Beresford, N., Brian, J. V., Runnalls, T. J., Sumpter, J. P., & Jobling, S. (2011). Estrogenic activity of tropical fishfood can alter baseline vitellogenin concentrations in male fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas).Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(5), 1139-1145. doi:10.1002/etc.479
  • Harris, C. A., Hamilton, P. B., Runnalls, T. J., Vinciotti, V., Henshaw, A., Hodgson, D., . . . Sumpter, J. P. (2011).The consequences of feminization in breeding groups of wild fish. Environmental Health Perspectives,119(3), 306-311. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002555
  • Kugathas, S., Runnalle, T. J., & Sumpter, J. P. (2011). Dose-response effects of chronic exposure of fatheadminnows to low concentrations of a synthetic glucocorticoid (Poster presentation). In SETAC-EuropeConference. Milan, Italy.
  • Paulos, P., Runnalls, T. J., Nallani, G., La Point, T., Scott, A. P., Sumpter, J. P., & Huggett, D. B. (2010).Reproductive responses in fathead minnow and Japanese medaka following exposure to a syntheticprogestin, Norethindrone. Aquat Toxicol, 99(2), 256-262. Retrieved from
  • Paulos, P., Runnalls, T. J., Nallani, G., La Point, T., Scott, A. P., Sumpter, J. P., & Huggett, D. B. (2010).Reproductive responses in fathead minnow and Japanese medaka following exposure to a syntheticprogestin, Norethindrone. Aquatic Toxicology, 99(2), 256-262.
  • Runnalls, T. J., Margiotta-Casaluci, L., Kugathas, S., & Sumpter, J. P. (2010). Pharmaceuticals in the aquaticenvironment: Steroids and anti-steroids as high priorities for research. Human and Ecological RiskAssessment, 16(6), 1318-1338. doi:10.1080/10807039.2010.526503
  • Rimmer, G., Barber, I., Runnalls, T., Sumpter, J. P., & Katsiadaki, I. (2009). A Stickleback ring test to reduce thenumber of fish used in regulatory testing.. In Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Stickleback 2009: The6th International Conference on Stickleback Behaviour and Evolution. Leicester University UK.
  • Brian, J. V., Harris, C. A., Runnalls, T. J., Fantinati, A., Pojana, G., Marcomini, A., . . . Sumpter, J. P. (2008).Evidence of temperature-dependent effects on the estrogenic response of fish: Implications with regardto climate change. Science of The Total Environment, 397(1-3), 72-81.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.02.036
  • Harris, C. A., Runnalls, T. J., Hamilton, P. B., Jobling, S., Tyler, C. R., & Sumpter, J. P. (2008). Assessing thereproductive ability of intersex roach. In 18th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe. Warsaw, Poland.
  • Paulos, P., Runnalls, T., Hala, D., Nallani, G., Venebles, B., La Point, T., . . . Huggett, D. (2008). Effects ofnorethindrone, a synthetic progestin, on reproductive parameters in fish. In 29th Annual Meeting ofSETAC North America. Tampa, Florida.
  • Harris, C. A., Runnalls, T. J., Hamilton, P. B., Jobling, S., Tyler, C. R., & Sumpter, J. P. (2008). Assessing thereproductivity ability of intersex roach. In 5th Annual Meeting of the SETAC World Congress.Sydney, Australia.
  • Runnalls, T. J., Hala, D. N., & Sumpter, J. P. (2007). Preliminary studies into the effects of the humanpharmaceutical Clofibric acid on sperm parameters in adult Fathead minnow. Aquatic Toxicology, 84(1),111-118. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2007.06.005
  • Brian, J. V., Harris, C. A., Scholze, M., Backhaus, T., Booy, P., Lamoree, M., . . . Sumpter, J. P. (2005). Accurateprediction of the response of freshwater fish to a mixture of estrogenic chemicals. Environmental HealthPerspectives, 113(6), 721-728. doi:10.1289/ehp.7598
  • Van Aerle, R., Runnalls, T. J., & Tyler, C. R. (2004). Ontogeny of gonadal sex development relative to growth infathead minnow. Journal of Fish Biology, 64(2), 355-369. doi:10.1111/j.0022-1112.2004.00296.x
  • Handy, R. D., Runnalls, T., & Russell, P. M. (2002). Histopathologic biomarkers in three spined sticklebacks,Gasterosteus aculeatus, from several rivers in Southern England that meet the freshwater fisheriesdirective. Ecotoxicology, 11(6), 467-479. doi:10.1023/A:1021061402491
  • Harries, J. E., Runnalls, T., Hill, E., Harris, C. A., Maddix, S., Sumpter, J. P., & Tyler, C. R. (2000). Development ofa reproductive performance test for endocrine disrupting chemicals using pair-breeding fatheadminnows (pimephales promelas). Environmental Science and Technology, 34(14), 3003-3011.doi:10.1021/es991292aFurther Publications
  • Sumpter, J. P., Runnalls, T. J., Donnachie, R. L., & Owen, S. F. (2021). A comprehensive aquatic risk assessmentof the beta-blocker propranolol, based on the results of over 600 research papers. Science of the TotalEnvironment, 793(1 November 2021), 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148617
  • Tanoue, R., Margiotta-Casaluci, L., Huerta, B., Runnalls, T. J., Eguchi, A., Nomiyama, K., . . . Sumpter, J. P.(2019). Protecting the environment from psychoactive drugs: Problems for regulators illustrated bythe possible effects of tramadol on fish behaviour. Science of the Total Environment, 664, 915-926.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.090
  • Thrupp, T. J., Runnalls, T. J., Scholze, M., Kugathas, S., Kortenkamp, A., & Sumpter, J. P. (2017). Theconsequences of exposure to mixtures of chemicals: Something from ‘nothing’ and ‘a lot from a little’when fish are exposed to steroid hormones. Science of the Total Environment, 619-620, 1482-1492.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.081
  • Tanoue, R., Margiotta-Casaluci, L., Huerta, B., Runnalls, T. J., Nomiyama, K., Kunisue, T., . . . Sumpter, J. P.(2017). Uptake and Metabolism of Human Pharmaceuticals by Fish - A Case Study with the OpioidAnalgesic Tramadol.. Environmental science & technology, 51(21), 12825-12835.doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b03441

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