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AI Thought Leadership Seminar Series 2024

Our Centre invites you to participate in thought leadership seminars led by our members with invited subject area experts and leading organisations. 

Series coordinators: Dr Nadine Aburumman | Computer Science and Dr Asress Adimi Gikay | 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Law School




AI Thought Leadership Seminars 2023

Download a brochure on research seminars series: AI Thought Leadership Seminars: Winter/Spring Programme 2023


24 February 2023 The Regulation of Emotion and Intention Detection in the EU and UK: Dr Patricia Živković

The Regulation of Emotion Detection in the EU and UK: Dr Patricia Živković (University of Aberdeen)

With the wide use of machine learning in today’s world, we are fast approaching new ethical and legal issues every day. This seminar will focus specifically on the current state of regulation of emotion/affect and intention recognition in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Dr Živković will showcase the use of such machines in today’s society and their potential in the future. She will explain further the ethical concerns raised by these applications and discuss the status of the current and future regulations in the field, focusing mainly on the current EU Proposal for the AI Act. The topic is part of Dr Živković's ongoing research on biometrics and law, which also covers issues of the reconceptualisation of the legal nature of biometrics as body parts and governance of general and super AI.

Moderator: Dr Pin Lean Lau (香港六合彩搅珠直播)


 is a Lecturer in Law at the School of Law, University of Aberdeen. She teaches Honours courses on the regulation of biometric data and profiling, data privacy, and artificial intelligence and law. She is an author of a monograph on Cyber Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a member of the Scottish Law and Innovation Network (SCOTLIN). 

8 March 2023 Digital Poverty: Prof. Ashley Braganza, Prof. Meredith Jones, Dr Rachel Stuart and Dr Vassilis Charitsis (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

Digital Poverty: Prof. Ashley Braganza, Prof. Meredith Jones, Dr Rachel Stuart and Dr Vassilis Charitsis (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

A BA funded study of digital poverty in Margate, seen through the lens of two separate communities that had recently moved to the town provided insights that spoke of resilience and need for connectivity in a space of digital exclusion.

Using the data that we gathered from qualitive interviews with members of the Roma community and those who had moved to Margate as part of the creative renaissance which has become an important part of Margate’s rebranding, we will explore digital marginalisation using the theory of necro resistance. The notion that small changes can make survival possible in liminal and marginalised spaces. We propose that survival on the margins of digital inclusion provides valuable insights for resolving a growing global challenge and assisting policy maker decisions. 

Learn more and register: 

24 March 2023 AI-Assisted Inventions in the Field of Drug Discovery: Readjusting the Inventive Step Analysis: Dr Olga Gurgula

AI-Assisted Inventions in the Field of Drug Discovery: Readjusting the Inventive Step Analysis: Dr Olga Gurgula (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

Artificial intelligence (‘AI’) is increasingly applied at all stages of drug discovery. While AI has the potential to boost innovation, it also raises many important ethical, social, political and legal issues. Among the latter are the challenges that AI poses for the patent system. With the rapid evolution of AI technologies and the increase in their computational power, the process of inventing has undergone substantial changes. 

As  AI significantly expands human capabilities, inventions that were previously the result of human ingenuity, perseverance or serendipity can now be achieved by routine experimentations with the use of AI. Therefore, the patent law approaches that were developed to assess human-generated inventions are not suitable for AI-assisted inventions and require urgent reconsideration. In her talk, Dr Gurgula will explain that the proper test for the obviousness assessment needs to take into account the advancement of AI technology and will provide suggestions on how the analysis can be modified.

Moderator: Dr Elena Abrusci (香港六合彩搅珠直播)


Join the event: MS Teams Link

Dr  Olga  Gurgula is a Senior Lecturer in IP law at 香港六合彩搅珠直播. She has served as an expert consultant for international organisations, governments and nongovernmental organisations, mainly in the fields of IP and access to medicines. Olga is the author of many articles, including on IP and public health, strategic patenting by pharma companies, and compulsory licensing of trade secrets to enhance access to COVID-19 vaccines. Olga qualified as a Ukrainian attorney in 2004. Before the commencement of her PhD research in 2013, she worked in private practice for over ten years.

19 April 2023 Design for Virtual Reality: Dr Sabah Boustila

Design for Virtual Reality: Dr Sabah Boustila (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Virtual environments (VEs) displayed through Virtual Reality (VR) are commonly used as an alternative means to accomplish delicate tasks or for decision-making in a safe and economical form. However, how accurately virtual environments/contents could be perceived and interpreted in comparison to real ones is still an open research question.

Moreover, interactions using hand controllers could be complicated and require the use of different buttons. In this talk, I will discuss some parameters that affect user experience and VR effectiveness and cover some factors to consider when designing virtual environments.

Moderator: Dr Nadine Aburmman (香港六合彩搅珠直播)


is a Lecturer in User Experience and Digital Design at SODA, Manchester Metropolitan University. She has received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Strasbourg, France in 2016, and since then has multiple teaching experiences in a variety of disciplines including Computer Science and User Experience. Previously, she held a Lecturer and Research Assistant position in Computer Science at the University of Strasbourg (2015-2017) and two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions at the University of Toronto (2018-2020) and the University of Strasbourg (2020), respectively.

Throughout her career, her research interests have been in Virtual and Augmented Reality (XR) and 3D interactions. Some of her projects are on spatial perception in virtual environments and accessibility in VR, just to name a few.

4 May 2023 Artificial Intelligence and copyright in the creative industries : Dr Hayleigh Bosher

Artificial Intelligence and copyright in the creative industries: Dr Hayleigh Bosher (香港六合彩搅珠直播)


The UK Government are keen to nature an environment of innovation for artificial intelligence (AI), and in progressing with the AI Strategy considered implementing a new copyright exception for AI text and data mining.

However, this presentation argues that this proposed exception does not meet international requirements of the Berne Convention and in any event is not the most effective way to encourage innovation for AI when engaging with the copyright industries.


Dr Hayleigh Bosher is a Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law and Associate Dean (Professional Development and Graduate Outcomes) at 香港六合彩搅珠直播, as well as, Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Intellectual Property, Policy and Management, a legal consultant in the creative industries and an advisor for the independent UK charity for professional musicians, Help Musicians, writer and Book Review Editor for the specialist IP blog IPKat. Hayleigh research in the area of copyright and related laws in the creative industries, particularly in music, social media, and more recently artificial intelligence and related technologies e.g., NFTs.

24 May 2023 Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence: Prof. Marco Gillies

Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence: Prof. Marco Gillies (Goldsmiths, University of London)

The Academic Director of Goldsmiths' Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre. Marco is also co-director both the Masters in Virtual and Augmented Reality and the Social, Empathic and Embodied Virtual Reality Lab. He has been researching Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence since the late 1990s and has particularly worked on virtual humans and movement-based interaction with VR. Marco's research covers a wide range of areas of virtual reality and immersive media, particularly in three major areas:

  • The application of AI and Machine Learning to VR
  • The use of full body movement for interaction with immersive media
  • Social interaction in VR, AR and MR

Moderator: Dr Nadine Aburumman (Manchester Metropolitan University )


is the Academic Director of Goldsmiths' Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre. He has a long standing interest in pedagogy and particularly online and technology enhanced learning. He co-created the first MOOC from an English University and was instrumental in developing Goldsmiths' large scale online degrees: BSc Computer Science and MSc Data Science.

14 June 2023 Fashion in the Metaverse and Beyond: Kadine James

Fashion in the Metaverse and Beyond: Kadine James (The Immersive Kind)

The metaverse is a vision of what many in the computer industry believe is the next iteration of the internet: a single, shared, immersive, and persistent world.

Through the convergence of the fashion brand with the metaverse and virtual fashion, the metaverse allows the consumer to dive into a far more stimulating and immersive experience that has fashion brands collectively strategising their deliveries, adopting entrance devices and brand deliveries using NFTs or non-fungible tokens.


Moderator: Dr Cigdem Sengul (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

Kadine James is a successful serial entrepreneur and expert in all things web3, digital fashion, nfts/tickens and is cited as a pioneer of the Metaverse. She founded The Immersive KIND in 2016, a Web 3 commerce company, with a mission to bring brands into the metaverse through extended reality studio specialising in virtual reality, augmented reality and immersive production. After working across architecture and data visualisation (AEC) producing virtual tours and immersive worlds for the built environment she dived into the world of advertising at Verizon and Yahoo RYOT and has since worked with some of the most recognised names across fashion, media and the gaming industry.

12 July 2023 Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition in the UK—Is Legal Reform Needed?: Dr Asress Adimi Gikay

Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition in the UK—A Normative Regulatory Framework? Dr Asress Adimi Gikay (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

The law enforcement use of automated live facial recognition has caused great concern in Europe. UK law enforcement authorities have deployed the technology in publicly accessible spaces in multiple instances. Today, there is an increasing call for more robust regulation and governance. Some scholars and advocacy groups also call for an outright ban on the technology's use by law enforcement authorities.

However, the UK should take a more balanced regulatory approach to reap the technology's benefits in improving public safety while addressing its risk. Based on an in-depth study of laws, policies and practices, I argue that the UK's legal regime requires changes to effectively manage the risks posed by the technology, focusing both on the development and deployment stages.

Moderator: Dr Pin Lean Lau (香港六合彩搅珠直播)


Asress Adimi Gikay is a Senior Lecturer in AI, Disruptive Innovation, and Law at 香港六合彩搅珠直播. He is a member of 香港六合彩搅珠直播 University Centre for Artificial Intelligence where he co-coordinates the Centre’s Thought Leadership Series. He obtained his PhD (with honour) in Individual Person and Legal Protections from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy) with thesis focusing on the Regulation of Automated Consumer Credit Assessment in the EU and the US.

His current research interest in law, policy and governance of AI, with particular focus on fundamental rights including the privacy implications of AI technologies applied in private and public sectors. He is currently working on a book titled “Artificial Intelligence, Legal Transparency and Accountability” to be published by Routledge.



Download a brochure on research seminars series: AI Thought Leadership Seminars: Winter Programme 2022

27 January 2022, 4pm-5pm: Transformational powers of AI in educational management

Date and Time: 27 January 2022, 4pm-5pm

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter (University of Bremen)


The presentation will discuss the different speeds and its effects on educational management. By using examples of AI technologies. It will reflect its opportunities and risks. The focus is on the transformational powers on educational management:

• How do HEI react in their governance?

• Is the implementation of AI technologies changing the structures and processes in HEI, and what are forces of resistance?

• What are coping strategies of leadership, staff, and students?


Professor Andreas Breiter Professor Andreas Breiter is full professor for Information Management and Educational Technologies in the Department for Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Bremen (Germany) and the Chief Digital Officer . He is the scientific director of the Institute for Information Management Bremen and co-founder of the University’s Data Science Center. His research interests around the digital transformation encompass technological and organizational change as well as processes of deep mediatization in the educational systems.

The collaboration between University of Bremen and 香港六合彩搅珠直播 was facilitated by a small grant from the Young European Research Universities Network.

2 February 2022, 2pm-3:30pm: Autonomous vehicles: what can we learn from early attempts to deploy artificially intelligent agents in social settings?

 Date and Time: 2 February 2022, 2pm-3:30pm


Dr Chris Tennant (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Professor Shireen Kanji (香港六合彩搅珠直播 Business School)


Autonomous vehicles promise to introduce artificially intelligent physical agents intouncontrolled social spaces for the first time. Public attitudes suggest uncertainty aboutthe technology, but existing research focuses too much on engineering public acceptanceinstead of engaging with public concerns. We suggest that autonomous vehicles are a testcase of the relationship between the public and artificial intelligence technologies and arguefor the importance of a deeper, more carefully theorized understanding of public responses.


Dr Chris Tennant is an honorary fellow at UCL’s Science and Technology Studies departmentand also a visiting fellow at LSE’s Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science.He worked for 25 years in the financial services industry in London before studying for adoctorate at the LSE. He was the research officer on UCL’s ESRC funded project DriverlessFutures? and is now a consultant for UCL’s participation in behavioural research on connectedand autonomous vehicles for the Department for Transport. His research interests are theinterplay between moral values and rational explanation, media representation of contestedscience, trust and accountability.

Professor Shireen Kanji is Professor of Work and Organization at 香港六合彩搅珠直播.Her research lies at the intersection of gender, work, and social inequality, spanninginvestigations into the working hours of men and women, precarious work, and the linksbetween gendered educational pathways and labor market outcomes. She aims to makevisible the gender subtext of organizations and the hidden connections between work andcare.

24 February 2022, 4pm-5pm: Digital Platform Monopolies: What will the future hold?

Date and Time: 25 February 2022, 4pm- 5pm

Speaker: Dr Xia Han (香港六合彩搅珠直播 Business School)


This presentation will discuss the rise of large-scale digital platforms such as Amazon, Uber,and YouTube, which have steadily transformed people’s daily life in the past decade. Nowadays,digital platforms are dominating many industries. On the one hand, these platforms offer veryefficient economic resource allocation, on the other hand we are seeing ethical concerns raisingfrom such centralizations. In this presentation will explore the following questions:

• Why are platforms so efficient in market acquisition?

• How are platforms established?

• What are the challenges facing digital platforms?

• Are there any remedies to reestablish trust towards a centralized digital platform?


Dr Xia Han joined the Operations and Information System Management Group of 香港六合彩搅珠直播 BusinessSchool in May 2021. He holds a PhD degree from Cambridge University, and an MSc degree inInformation Systems from the London School of Economics (LSE). Prior to his academic career,he had nearly a decade of corporate experience in the Automotive, Media and IT industriesin Europe and Asia. He has published articles and book chapters in peer-reviewed academicjournals and industry-oriented outputs such as the International Journal of Operations andProduction Management, the Tsinghua Business Review, and the Springer Books Series.

2 March 2022, 11am-12noon: Digital Health Provision through Telemedicine Ecosystem against Pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa

 Time and date: 2 March 2022, 11am-12noon


Dr Edward Asiedu (University of Ghana)
Dr David Botchie (香港六合彩搅珠直播 Business School)
Dr Weifeng Chen (香港六合彩搅珠直播 Business School)
Dr Shang Gao (Örebro University Sweden)


Funded by ITU’s Connect2Recover initiative 2022

Global health shocks have become rampant in the past few decades. The economic andsocial consequences of such events, even though non-trivial for many countries, are moredire for many developing countries. We aim to investigate how tele¬medicine ecosystems canbe leveraged to expand health service delivery particularly to the poor and the vulnerable(children, women and the elderly) in remote communities. Within our project, we examinethe state of the telemedicine ecosystem in Sub-Saharan Africa broadly, focusing on Ghanafor a more in-depth investigation. Therefore, the project would reveal the issues to thepolicymaker as well as the solutions to address it. Findings and recommendations will helpstrengthen the health system to with¬stand any future covariate health shock. To achievethe insights, the project team will use an in-depth review of secondary data and exploratoryapproaches to explore the telemedicine ecosystem.


Dr Edward Asiedu is a Development Economist based at the University of Ghana BusinessSchool (UGBS). His research is in the area of pro-poor policy design and analyses, healthand agricultural financing, migration and development, and experimental evaluation ofdevelopment interventions.

Dr David Botchie is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainability and Global Value Chains at 香港六合彩搅珠直播 BusinessSchool. He has worked on the DFID funded Internet Portals Evaluation Project in Ghana,Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. He has also worked as a consultant for various internationalorganisations including the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme, and Foodand Agricultural Organisation. He is a member of the 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Centre for AI.

Dr Weifeng Cheng is a Reader in Innovation Management at 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Business School. He specialisesin technology adoption, business models innovation, digitalisation, and social transformation. Hiscurrent research focuses on the impact of disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligenceand Blockchain Technology on innovation related to new business models and ecosystem cocreationin global value chains. He is one of the founding members of the 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Centre for AI.

Dr Shang Gao is an Associate professor (Docent) in Information Systems at the School of Business,Örebro University, Sweden. He is specialized in mobile information systems, blockchain technology,information security management, enterprise modeling and technology diffusion. He obtainedhis PhD (2011) in information systems from Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU), Norway, and his MSc (2006) in Engineering and Management of Information Systemsfrom the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.

10 March 2022, 4pm-5pm: The ambivalent power of AI in the public sector

 Time and date: 10 March 2022, 4pm-5pm

Speaker: Professor Juliane Jarke (University of Bremen)

With the rise of (big) data and new analytical tools to process such data, public administrationshave begun to explore ways of making work processes more efficient, more effective anddecisions more reliable and transparent. AI-powered systems are deployed for prediction,pattern recognition, and scoring across a variety of domains such as social benefit fraud,social work, tax fraud, policing, job seeker training or immigration. They are being usedfor different types of ‘government problems’ such as resource allocation, experts shortage,prediction or the handling of large or diverse data sets. A number of studies have identifiedcases in which the reliance on such systems turned out to be highly problematic. In thesestudies, scholars have demonstrated how such systems discriminate against certain groupsand in so doing produce (new) inequalities. Others have demonstrated the ambivalentagency of AI-powered systems as they facilitate new forms of participation, transparency,care and responsibility. In my talk I attend to these ambivalences and consider what thismeans for new modes of datafied public sector governance.


Juliane Jarke
, PhD, is a senior researcher at the Institute for Information Management Bremen(ifib) and Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at theUniversity of Bremen. Her research focuses on public sector innovation, digital (in)equalitiesand participatory design. Her most recent book is Co-creating Digital Public Services foran Ageing Society (Springer, 2020, open access). The edited volume New Perspectives inCritical Data Studies: The Ambivalences of Data Power will be published open access early2022 (co-edited with Andreas Hepp and Leif Kramp, Palgrave).

The collaboration between University of Bremen and 香港六合彩搅珠直播 was facilitated by a small grant from the Young European Research Universities Network.


17 March 2022, 4pm-5pm: Regulating the Digital Giants in Europe

Time and date: 17 March 2022, 4pm-5pm

Speaker: Dr Lefteris Kretsos (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

Over the years, the issue of regulating Big Tech has attracted a lot of attention both in policycircles and in public domain. The growing economic and technological power of BigTech (usually mentioned with the acronym GAFAM or FAANG from the initials of Facebook,Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft and Google) creates a lot of questions for competitionauthorities and a lot of debates regarding the corrosive effect of GAFAM’s algorithms todemocracy posing issues of surveillance and manipulation.This event will discuss the evolution of Big Tech as gigantic and global conglomerates ofpower. It will also focus on the responses by governments and supranational regulatoryauthorities to deal with this new hegemonic condition. The presentation makes strongreference to European Union’s policy reactions in the wake of French Presidency in 2022and the relevant statements by President Macron that it is time to regulate and supervise themajor platforms of the internet, and culture in Europe.


Dr Lefteris Kretsos is Lecturer at 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Business School. He is a former Digital and MediaPolicy Deputy Minister in Greece. During his tenure he championed successful policies formaking Greece a global film friendly location and he was a key contributor in the Revisionof the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) at European level. He has significantstakeholder management experience and a proven record in policy analysis in government,intergovernmental and policy organisations. To date he has participated in 15 internationalresearch projects supported by a number of important institutions and funding streams,such as the European Commission and the European Regional Development Fund. He haspublished articles, co-edited books and book chapters in world leading academic journalsand academic presses.