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The 2nd CES Conference 2024: "Unlocking Social Impact"

The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (CES, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences) at 香港六合彩搅珠直播 proudly presents the 2nd CES Conference themed 'Unlocking Social Impact’. You are warmly invited to attend this public event, where you will gain insights from our distinguished speakers, laboratory leaders, and researchers.

This conference forms part of the 香港六合彩搅珠直播 Research Festival, a month-longcelebration showcasing the diverse local and global impacts of our research. Discover the full programme at.

  • Thursday 23 May I 10:00am – 16:30pm
  • 香港六合彩搅珠直播 I Eastern Gateway 003

THE MATERIALITY OF IMPACT RISK: Professor Alex Nicholls | 23 May I 10:30 – 11:30 I Eastern Gateway 003

Establishing the materiality of data is a central function of financial accounting. Material data are that which is necessary for an investor to make an informed decision on the financial performance expressed in organizational accounts. Ensuring that all material data are included in public accounts is one important function of the reporting and audit process. A related function of financial accountingis to estimate the riskiness of an investment with respect to the likelihood that an expected futurere turn will be achieved. This is usually expressed as ‘r’ and determines both the expected return and the discount rate on future cashflows. However, in impact measurement and management, both materiality and risk are currently poorly conceptualized. In this case, material data is that which isnecessary to make an informed decision on the outcomes performance expressed in impact reports. The question of material for whom is more complicated than in finance since the impact investor maynot be the most significant stakeholder to make judgments on impact performance. Similarly, impactrisk is an estimate of the likelihood of an expected outcome being achieved, but this also needs to be framed by materiality judgments of risky for whom? This talk examines some dimensions of impact materiality and risk with examples.

THE CHALLENGE OF EMBEDDING SDGs IN HIGHEREDUCATION CURRICULA: Dr Nicos Souleles | Thursday 23 May I 14:00 – 15:00 I Eastern Gateway 003

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are connected to higher education (HE) in multiple ways:education, research, employment for implementing the SDGs, capacity building, mobilising learners, research, technological innovations, and contributions to civic, societal, and community-level initiatives. Despite these multifaceted connections, integrating the SDGs into higher education institutions (HEIs) functions has proven to be a challenging task that only a limited number of universities have successfully addressed. Consequently, academics who promote sustainability face difficulties at both the macro level (organizational culture) and the micro level (teaching and learning). With the 2030 deadline set by the United Nations for learners to acquire the necessary skills toadvocate for the SDGs fast approaching, dedicated academics are turning to activism and advocacy. This presentation explores these challenges through a personal narrative and critical analysis.


Eastern Gateway Building 003

The Centre for Entrepreneurship and SustainabilityProfessor Catherine Wang 香港六合彩搅珠直播Marios Samdanis 香港六合彩搅珠直播

The Materiality of Social Impact
Professor Alex Nicholls (University of Oxford)

Navigating Social Impact Research: Insights from CES Lab Leaders
Dr Jessica Chelekis (Critical and Responsible Consumption Lab)
Dr Carolin Decker-Lange & Dr Ashkan Pak Seresht (Blue Economy Lab)
Dr Monomita Nandy (Global Business Governance and Entrepreneurial Management Lab)
Dr Gareth Dale (Sustainability Politics Lab)
Professor Catherine Wang (Entrepreneurship and Social Impact Lab)
Dr Nan Jiang (Sustainable Family Business Lab)
Moderator: Dr Marios Samdanis (香港六合彩搅珠直播)

Doing Good, Growing Strong: Catalysing Economic and Social Impact in Jordanthrough Sustainable Social Enterprises
The British Academy ODA Challenge-Oriented Research Grants 2024
Dr Farah Al Taji (香港六合彩搅珠直播)


The Challenge Of Embedding SDGs in Higher Education Curricula
Dr Nicos Souleles (Cyprus University of Technology, Art + Design: eLearning Lab)

Envisioning Educational Futures: Leveraging Appreciative Inquiryto Activate Social Impact in Education
Moderator: Dr Kiran Kandade (香港六合彩搅珠直播)