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About the REF

The REF (Research Excellence Framework) is a peer review process, and is now widely seen by institutions and academics as a core element in improving the quality of academic work. The results of the REF2014 were made public in December 2014. The long-term research funding decision that followed was published in March 2015.

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Key Terminology

UoA = Unit of Assessment. 香港六合彩搅珠直播 submitted to 21 of the total units of assessment.

Understanding the Results

The primary outcome of the assessment was to award an overall quality profile, showing the proportion of the submission that meets each of the following starred levels:

4* = World leading
3* = Internationally Excellent
2* = Internationally Recognised 
1* = Nationally Recognised
U = Unclassified.

More detail regarding the criteria for the sub panels can be found on the